Get a Smaller Face! 7 Ways to Get a Cute and Pretty Face

Have you ever been shocked
at the size of your face when taking a photo with a friend ?

Do you ever
take a half step back to make your face look smaller, hoping to make it look a little smaller? I think many women have experienced this .

A small face is something every woman aspires to have.

Don’t give up because I have a big face.

There is an easy way to have a slimmer face.

Here are 7
ways to make your face look cute and small .


Get a smaller face! 7 ways
to get a cute and pretty face

Tip 1:
Strengthen your facial muscles

In everyday life, about 70 to 80 percent of the facial muscles
are not used.

Unused muscles
will stiffen and shrink if left unattended,
and when they can no longer support their own weight, they
will sag.

Here we will introduce some exercises that use all of your facial muscles to make your face look smaller.

<Small face exercises>

①Cross your arms and place your hands on your shoulders

② Look up at the ceiling

③ Stick your tongue out towards the ceiling

④ Slowly move your tongue back and your neck back.

⑤ Make the mouth shape to pronounce “o”

⑥ Stretch the bottom of your nose and
look up, maintaining this position for 10 seconds

⑦ Stick your tongue out straight

⑧ Move your tongue up, down, right and left

⑨Rotate your tongue from side to side

Doing two sets of this each
when you wake up in the morning and
after taking a bath will allow you to train
your facial muscles more effectively .

Tongue-sticking out exercises also improve brain function and
relieve unpleasant symptoms throughout the body.

Tip 2:
Reduce swelling

If you leave facial swelling untreated,
your face will continue to swell.

Here are some poses that will increase blood circulation and
relieve swelling.

<Poses to relieve swelling>

Open your mouth wide and stick
your tongue out towards your chin

②Open your eyes wide and
look up, keeping your gaze up for 10 seconds

This pose
not only relieves swelling, but also sticks out the tongue, so it is said to have
anti-aging properties .

It is best to do two sets.

Tip 3: A face-slimming technique
you can do anywhere

This is a trick you can do while waiting at a traffic light, on the train, or even at work.

This is very simple;
all you have to do is “rotate your earlobe.”

By rotating your earlobes,
the chewing muscles in your jaw relax,
eliminating facial sagging.

It is also effective for headaches and stiff shoulders.

Tip 4:
Use face-slimming massage items

You can easily do a facial massage using items that you already have in your home .

The object in question is a spoon.
Please keep it in the refrigerator.

Massaging your face with this chilled spoon
will dramatically slim it down.

<Cold spoon massage method>

① Apply plenty of cream to your face and neck

2 ) Using the back of the spoon, slide it
from behind your ear to your neck three times.

Slide from collarbone to behind ear three times

4. Slide the spoon from your chin to your temple
, from your cheek to your temple
, from your forehead to your temple, and then slide the spoon down
your face toward your temple.

It’s a good idea to keep a massage spoon in your fridge at all times.

Although you will need to purchase them,
other face-slimming items such as
face-slimming rollers and
are also effective for massaging.

Tip 5:
Add a little extra effort to your morning and evening skincare routine

Every day after washing your face, you apply lotion, milky lotion, and cream.

This method of application is not just about applying the cream, but also
about applying it in a way that will make your face look smaller,
so you can make your face look smaller while taking care of it.

<How to apply to make your face smaller>

Cover your cheeks with the cream-applied palms and
relax the cheek muscles.

② Line up your fingertips and slide them
from the corners of your mouth to your nose , around your eyes and around the outside of your face.

Move your fingers in large circles from the inside to the outside of your cheeks .

Gently massage around the eyes

This method
can be done on busy mornings or sleepy nights.

Tip 6:
Start by improving your bones

Many people are concerned about their jawline and cheekbones. Let’s make your face smaller by focusing on the bones,
not the muscles .


1) Place your fingers on the jaw joint and massage in
a circular motion toward your ear (repeat about 20 times).

② Place your fingers on your jaw joint and say
“Aeiueoao” three times in a loud voice.

3) Place your hands on your jaw joint
rub up to behind your ears
(repeat about 10 times)


Place your index finger, middle finger, and ring finger next to your nostrils and rub along
your cheekbones from your nostrils to your temples (repeat about 20 times).

② Place both hands on the outside of your cheekbones and pull them upwards , imagining that you are lifting
the muscles of your cheekbones (repeat about 10 times).

Tip 7:
Chew gum

It’s very simple,
just chew gum.

Chewing it for about 2 hours a day
will help.

At night , relax your gills by taking a bath .

If possible, it is recommended to use gum that is not sweet but contains xylitol
, which also helps prevent tooth decay .

Chewing gum not only makes your face look smaller, but it
also suppresses your appetite, so
it’s great for dieting.

Well, what did you think of the 7 ways to
get a smaller face and
a cute, pretty face that

we introduced this time ?

To achieve the small face you desire,
it takes daily effort.

All of these are easy to do, so
please keep doing them.

If you keep at it, the day will come when you can confidently take photos .