Five Things You Should Know to Avoid Making a Mistake When Choosing a Facial Hair Removal Salon

The part of your face that other people look at the most is your face.
Even if you put on a lot of makeup,
if you have unwanted hair around your mouth or between your eyebrows,
your makeup won’t look as good and you’ll be disappointed.

Even if you try to remove these untold unwanted hairs
with a razor or tweezers , your sensitive skin may get irritated by the razor or
you may pluck them out too much, causing your pores to widen…
There are limits to how much you can do to remove them yourself.

By having your hair removed at a professional salon
, you can be free from the hassle and skin troubles
of being stared at during dates and conversations, and
enjoy your conversation or date!

Here are five things to know to avoid making a mistake when choosing a facial hair removal salon .

Five things you should know to avoid making a mistake when choosing a facial hair removal salon

Knowledge 1: The effectiveness of counseling

Facial hair removal is divided into detailed areas such as
under the nose ,
under the mouth, beard
nape, sideburns
, above the eyebrows , and the entire face, so you need to check in advance which salon will treat the parts you want to remove hair from . Eyebrows are a difficult area to remove cleanly, so high skill is required. Some salons do not offer this treatment, and among the salons that do offer this treatment, choose one that offers a thorough and detailed “counseling” about the shape of your eyebrows in advance .

Also, even though we say the whole face, please note that we do not remove
hair around the eyes where the skin is particularly thin, or inside the nose where the mucous membrane is, or blemishes or moles.

Knowledge 2: Decide based on the disadvantages and advantages

The advantage of hair removal at salons
is that there are many salons, the prices are low, and you can easily go there.

Also, since it is a beauty salon, you can have your skin treated at the same time as hair removal,
so it is great to be able to have beautiful skin and hair removal at the same time .

Hair removal at a clinic uses powerful medical equipment, so
you can see immediate results.

For those who are sensitive to pain,
it is nice that you can switch to local anesthesia midway through the treatment, and the number of sessions can be reduced.

should I go to a clinic or a beauty salon? It’s a tough decision, but the price will vary
depending on the time and number of sessions required for facial hair removal .

Knowledge 3: Beauty salon or clinic

Although it varies from person to person,
it is said that facial hair growth cycle usually lasts for 1-2 months.

The length of time you need to remove hair from your face will vary depending on your individual hair growth cycle, skin type, and the area to be removed.

On average, it takes about a year, but some people take two to three years.
The cost also varies from person to person, depending on the area to be removed and the number of sessions.

Clinics are more expensive, but
they have the advantage of requiring fewer sessions, and
both offer trial treatments and free consultations.

In the end, it will be best to use the websites of each salon or clinic
to choose a salon that offers the treatment that suits you best and provides thorough counseling and care .

Knowledge 4: Before and after facial hair removal

<Before hair removal>

Flash hair removal at salons reacts to melanin pigment, so try to
avoid sun exposure as much as possible before and after the treatment and
schedule your treatment according to your physical condition.

Also, high body temperature can cause redness and swelling, and
dry skin can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment, so
avoid alcohol on the day and keep your skin well moisturized.

<After hair removal>

Depending on your skin type, your skin may be sensitive after the treatment, so you
may experience redness and heat, but this will subside after a while, so as long as you
are careful to moisturize, you can wear makeup!
However, if you have sensitive skin or are in a bad physical condition,
it may take some time for the redness and heat to subside, so
just in case, prepare a mask and sunglasses to use when you go home.

Knowledge 5: Facial hair removal for beautiful skin

By removing hair from your face, you no longer have to shave yourself, which
can cause irritation and stress, and as the unwanted hair is gone,
your skin will be smooth and shiny.

In addition, by removing unwanted hair, your makeup will go on better, your face
will look one tone brighter, and your skin will look whiter, which is a welcome effect.

The gel used during the treatment has a skin-beautifying effect.
Also, as the hair is removed, the pores are tightened,
making them easier to clean.
Furthermore, as it becomes harder for sebum and dirt to accumulate, the
skin becomes less prone to skin problems such as acne and pimples. Not only will your
concerns be resolved, but you can also expect a skin-beautifying effect.

Well , what did you think of the 5 things you should know to avoid making a mistake when choosing a facial hair removal salon that we introduced this time ? You will enjoy
doing your daily makeup and skin care, and
looking in the mirror will become even more enjoyable without the worries about unwanted hair. If you find a salon that will give you a friendly consultation
based on your skin, hair cycle, and physical condition , you will soon have smooth, shiny skin waiting for you!