Secrets of Beautiful Legs: Rules for Foot Care

Feet care in Winters

During the cold season, our feet suffer from heavy shoes, they have to be in a closed space every day, which leads to unpleasant consequences. That is why feet need proper care.

Shoes play a significant role, so they should be comfortable, high-quality, not put pressure on your feet and not have a high heel. If you wear inexpensive shoes, it is better to change the insoles to similar ones made of natural material.

Feet need rest, for this you can do warm baths with herbs, which have a calming effect. When washing your feet, use scrubs and a file to clean your heels, since in the cold season the skin on the heels becomes rough and needs to be softened.

After you have done the foot bath, you need to apply nourishing oils to your feet, olive oil is often used for this. If you want to achieve the maximum effect, put on socks and spend the night like this. In the morning, you will notice that the skin of your feet has become incredibly soft and silky. It is best if this procedure is repeated regularly once every two weeks.

In winter, feet can often sweat a lot. This happens mostly because they are in a closed state. Use deodorants and special talc for feet, they help reduce sweating and eliminate odor. If these unpleasant symptoms are very strong, it is best to visit a doctor or buy a special cream for fungal diseases at the nearest pharmacy.

Foot massage, even if done at home, helps relieve their fatigue. Stroke your feet, massage each toe and twist your legs in different directions. During the massage, you can also rub in some cream, which will only enhance the positive effect of such a procedure.

During a pedicure in winter, it is not recommended to cut the cuticles. Use creams that soften them, because shoes press on your feet during a long day on the move. If the cuticle is cut, the skin becomes more sensitive and often rubs against shoes.

In addition, it is not recommended to leave your nails too long, as this can cause pain when walking in tight shoes that put pressure on them.

Taking care of your feet in summer

In summer, our feet experience even more stress than in winter: we have to walk a lot, our feet can swell, and dust causes the skin to become rough.

Summer foot care primarily involves daily and sometimes repeated washing. It is best to use cool or slightly warm water for this. This helps to relieve tired feet and relax them. It is important to use a special heel file when washing your feet, which will help remove rough skin and dirt, and of course, using soap is also important.

Make soda or salt foot baths weekly. Salt softens the skin of your feet, and soda will make it much lighter.

Feet care

Today there are a large number of foot care products for home use, so everyone will find an option for themselves.

The feet need to be cleaned primarily. For this, soaps are used. Then, the rough skin needs to be removed using scrubs, after which they need to be moisturized and nourished. There are also nail care products that whiten and soften them.

Taking care of your feet at home is very simple, you just need to remember that they need care, which includes cleansing, moisturizing and massage. If you do not forget about this, your feet will always be in excellent condition.