Skin care rules

In the cold season, the skin requires additional and special care . Of course, with the help of clothing we protect almost all the skin, but our face remains open almost always, and our hands very often suffer from the cold. Therefore, you should take care of the protection of the skin in the cold season.
For example, Botox injections will be effective at any time of the year, allowing you to make the skin elastic and glowing with health.

Why does skin need special care?

 Fact #1:  Cold, dry air is very dehydrating to the skin. At temperatures below zero, the rate of epidermal renewal slows down, causing the skin to feel rough and dry.

 Fact #2. Under the influence of low temperatures, the skin layer thickens. In this way, the skin tries to increase the protective barrier. As a result, the skin loses its smoothness and becomes rougher than in the summer.

 Fact #3: Cold winds reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, we get more sensitive and less elastic skin.

The rules for skin care in cold weather are the same as at other times of the year and consist of 3 stages:

  • cleansing,
  • moisturizing
  • and additional nutrition.

Cosmetics for these procedures must be chosen strictly in accordance with your skin type. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that in cold weather your skin type may change. For example, if you had oily skin, it will most likely become normal, normal – dry, and dry – sensitive. Therefore, before choosing skin care products, take a closer look at your feelings.

Cold weather care for different skin types

1. Dry skin needs additional nutrition (2 times a week) and vitaminization (approximately 1-2 times) . Approximately 1 or 2 times a month, the nourishing mask should be replaced with a moisturizing one.

40 g natural honey + 20 g regular yogurt without additives + 10-15 g finely chopped grapefruit zest = mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face for about 15 minutes.

2. Oily skin feels better in cold weather than in summer , but you shouldn’t forget about regular care. Vitaminization and/or nourishing masks are best done once a week.

20 ml fresh kefir + 20 g homemade cottage cheese = for 15-20 min.

3. Normal skin – alternate between moisturizing, vitaminized and nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.

1 egg yolk + 5 g glycerin + finely chopped apple = 15-20 min.

It is important to take care not only of your facial skin, but also of your lips. To avoid peeling or painful cracks, apply lip balm to your lips before applying makeup and let it soak in. You can replace lip balm with a slice of lemon or natural honey.

Useful tips for skin care in cold weather

1. When washing, replace regular water with melted water or water that is softer than tap water.

2. During frosty weather, try to use softer scrubs (for example, oatmeal)

3 . Approximately 30-60 minutes before going outside, apply a protective cream to your skin. Please note that moisturizing (summer) creams are not suitable for such purposes; you should choose “winter” creams.

4. Foundation or powder can also serve as an additional layer of protection.

5. Even though we hide our hands in gloves, the skin of our hands also needs care, so don’t forget to use nourishing creams and hand masks.

6. And, of course, don’t forget about vitamins. After all, the beauty of our skin comes from within and if the body lacks nutrients, no masks will help. Therefore, to compensate for this deficiency, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes.